Aquasub is designed from high quality materials. The different components of this hydro-ejector make it reliable and robust.
AQUASUB is a high-performance hydro-ejector which combines aeration and circulation of fresh water masses. It is used for the aeration and destratification of lakes, ponds, and any other body of fresh water. AQUASUB is a hydro-ejector which is used in fresh water ponds. Simple in design and robust in construction, this device can be used in all circumstances. It is possible to transform it into a brewer only. Thanks to its propeller, it will allow the oxygenation of the body of water and thus provide the necessary oxygen.

- Compact, portable unit
- Little noisy
- Very simple and inexpensive installation
- Discreet, floating unit (no level adjustment)
- No maintenance (no lubrication)
- Self-cleaning strainer

- For aeration and destratification of lakes, ponds 4
- For the desaturation of water supersaturated with gas, etc.
- AQUASUB is a hydro-ejector which combines aeration and the movement of water masses. Used in freshwater lakes or ponds, it provides the oxygen essential to fish life. Simple in design and very robust in construction, our devices can be used in all circumstances.
A special primary pressure turbine rotating at 3000 rpm is attached to the end of the motor shaft. The air arriving through the guide tube is sucked into the center of the propeller by the VENTURI effect. The air mixed with the water is diffused in micro-bubbles in the water current created and directed towards the bottom. The quantity of oxygen transferred is optimum because the micro-bubbles have a very long residence time in the volume of water pushed.
ADVANTAGES: A stream of water rich in oxygen
- Reduces fish mortality due to lack of oxygen
- Prevention of the development of phytoplankton (cyanophyceae) as well as weeds.
- Biodegradation (by aerobic bacteria) of organic pollutants held in suspension.
- An increase in the density of the fish, its growth rate, its good health status.
- Circulation and mixing of water masses
- Destratification of bodies of water, lakes, ponds, etc.
- In winter, can be used to keep part of the body of water open.
- The AQUASUB technique: a guarantee of proper functioning and performance.
- AQUASUB aerators, developed in our workshops in 2009, are compact, floating devices. They operate electrically: an underwater cable provided allows them to be connected to the electricity supply on the shore. Mooring is done using simple ropes.
- The particular operation of this aerator makes it possible to combine aeration and water mixing. Setting the mass of water in motion optimizes contact with atmospheric air. At the same time, the injection of air into the water ensures a transfer of O2: 0.35kgO2/h.
The two types of aerators FLOSUB and AQUASUB can be used combined on the same body of water where they form an effective unit: “Aquasub” promoting water circulation and Flosub or Flobull, oxygenation.
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